Mobile Medication Management System

MedSMART® Mobile is a half-height mobile medication management system with the same features as MedSMART®. The MedSMART® Mobile management processes, allowing real-time monitoring from pharmacy to services and per patient; enhancing patient safety and care quality, while reducing hospital costs.

STOCKART® solutions for your organization increase healthcare quality and patient satisfaction, promote employee satisfaction, enable traceable and reportable process analysis, offer long-term planning capability, and ensure maintenance quality. It creates value for all healthcare professionals by providing cost savings.

With MedSMART Mobile®;

All types of medications, including serums, narcotic agents, and patients’ own medications, are monitored with high safety.

The medication order is verified by the pharmacist and displayed on the MedSMART® Mobile screen.

Medications in the ward are accessed only by authorized personnel through Bio ID fingerprint reader authentication.

Controlled access to unit doses is provided for medications that require high safety.

As soon as the nurse takes the medication and logs out of the system, all medications taken from the inventory are removed, and only the amount of medication taken for the patient is invoiced. When medication is returned to the system, it is reintegrated into the inventory and deducted from the patient’s invoice record.

The system automatically sends information to the pharmacy for medications at or below the minimum stock level. It supports cost control with electronic tracking and documentation.

With drawers of various sizes and types, MedSMART® Mobile is capable of managing medications of different sizes and safety levels.

System Features

  • Effective and user friendly
  • Uninterrupted Power Supply up to 2 hours
  • 17” Monitor
  • Emergency Access Drawers
  • Secure access with FingerPass Bio ID Authentication System
  • Integrated Thermal Printer
  • Integrated Label Printer
  • Internal Return Bin