Mobile Medication and Supply Management System

DualSMART® Mobile is a mobile, half-height medication and supply management system that combines MedSMART® and SupplySMART® on a single platform, allowing both medication and medical supplies to be managed from one station.

DualSMART® Mobile offers all the features of MedSMART® and SupplySMART®, with supplies managed using Take-Return technology, while medications are managed in mid and high-security drawers.

STOCKART® solutions enhance your organization by improving healthcare quality, boosting patient satisfaction, promoting employee satisfaction, offering traceable and reportable process analysis, supporting long-term planning capabilities, and ensuring maintenance quality. These solutions create value for all healthcare professionals by enabling significant cost savings.

With DualSMART® Mobile;

The system allows both medication and supplies to be managed from a single station and touch screen. You can further enhance the station with additional technologies such as the Sliding Drawer, SMARTCamera, and High Control High Capacity mode.

Sliding Drawer technology is a medication management solution that eliminates the need for various drawer designs. It offers access to medications at different security levels with diverse mode options: Multi Mode and Uniq Mode, tailored to the required variety and volume. Multi Mode is configured to contain multiple doses of a single medication, while Uniq Mode holds a single dose of medication.

SMARTCamera is an optional component that integrates with DualSMART® Mobile medication and supply management stations. It enhances inventory consistency and product security, providing an added deterrent against misuse.

The Take-Return Button feature enables quick access to and return of consumable and medical supplies. The High Control High Capacity feature is included as a standard mode with the system, allowing secure management of products that require high-level security, low stock turnover, and high-cost supplies. These items are only accessible by authorized users with elevated security. All these features can be managed from a single platform, on an individual door basis.

This system enables you to meet two critical needs on a single platform for your institution, offering robust security features while helping you save on medication and supply costs.

System Features

  • Effective and user friendly
  • Uninterrupted Power Supply up to 2 hours
  • 17” Monitor
  • Emergency Access Drawers
  • Secure access with FingerPass Bio ID Authentication System
  • Integrated Thermal Printer
  • Integration to intelligent labelling systems
  • Take – Return